About me

Hello everyone,
I would like to start off by introducing myself, my name is Brandon. My experience in the information technology field is troubleshooting issues revolving around the windows operating system. I have built my own computers from the age of 16 onwards. I have also dabbled in some different programming languages, not enough to really do anything with. Currently, I like to download and install numerous applications on my phone and tablet, to understand what the application does, how it functions, and how user friendly the application is, determining whether the application suits my needs, and or other people’s needs, reviewing them and even communicating with my peers on these applications I try out. My occupational aspirations are in hopes that one day I will be able to design my own software and website designs that can be used to help everyday life for people. I want to strive to understand more of the programming languages, in hopes of one day being able to develop my very own programs. My overall career aspirations are to become a software developer, whether it be for computers or for mobile applications, preferably, I want to develop more mobile applications, as this has become a mainstream function in our everyday lives. I hope to learn from the Fundamentals of Information Literacy course that I am taking, which would be some introductory coding experience, this way I can understand how programming works, thus providing a little background of what I will be exploring in my future.

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